resolve a complicated matter with difficulty 意味

  • 紛糾{ふんきゅう}している問題{もんだい}を辛うじて解決{かいけつ}する


        complicated matter:    紛糾{ふんきゅう}した問題{もんだい}
        resolve the matter with:    ~との問題{もんだい}を解決{かいけつ}する
        stop working to resolve the complicated conflict:    その込み入った紛争{ふんそう}を解決{かいけつ}する努力{どりょく}をやめる
        matter of peculiar difficulty:    《a ~》特に困難{こんなん}な事
        resolve the matter favorably:    その件について便宜{べんぎ}をはかる
        have an urgent matter to resolve:    緊急{きんきゅう}に決定{けってい}すべきことがある
        complicated:     complicated adj. 複雑な, ややこしい. 【副詞】 The affair is enormously complicated. 事はきわめて複雑だ How complicated! なんとややこしい The negotiations were a hugely complicated business. その交渉はとてもややこしかった
        to be complicated:    to be complicated 込み入る こみいる
        (a) difficulty:    (a) difficulty 難事 なんじ
        difficulty:     difficulty n. 難しさ, 困難, 面倒; 難事, 難局, 難点; 窮境; 不和, 争議. 【動詞+】 The bad weather aggravated the difficulties of their journey. 悪天候のために彼らの旅行はますます困難になった anticipate difficulty in carrying out the p
        with difficulty:    with difficulty たどたどしい 辛くも からくも
        with no difficulty:    支障{ししょう}なく
        resolve:     1resolve n. 決心, 決意; 不屈. 【動詞+】 abandon one's first resolve 初心を捨てる break one's resolve 自分が決めたことを破る display resolve 決意を示す form a resolve 決心する It fortified my resolve to
        resolve to:    ~すると固く決心{けっしん}する
        to resolve:    to resolve 思い立つ おもいたつ


  1. "resolvable" 意味
  2. "resolvable into" 意味
  3. "resolvableness" 意味
  4. "resolve" 意味
  5. "resolve a bottleneck" 意味
  6. "resolve a compound into its elements" 意味
  7. "resolve a conflict" 意味
  8. "resolve a confusion" 意味
  9. "resolve a contradiction" 意味
  10. "resolve" 意味
  11. "resolve a bottleneck" 意味
  12. "resolve a compound into its elements" 意味
  13. "resolve a conflict" 意味

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